Vim Commands frequently used
Using Spell check in vim
# start the spell check
:set spell
# move forward to next misspelled word
# move backword to next misspelled word
# suggest alternatives
# add word to dictionary
# mark words as incorrect
Commenting/Uncommenting multiple lines or vertical column text selection
To comment out blocks in vim:
- hit ctrl+v (visual block mode)
- use the down arrow keys to select the lines you want (it won’t highlight everything)
- Shift+i (capital I)
- insert the text you want, i.e. ‘% ‘
- Press ESC
- Give it a second to work
- Put your cursor on the first # character, press CtrlV (or CtrlQ for gVim), and go down until the last commented line and press x, that will delete all the # characters vertically.
Non greedy match in vim
Eg: for matching the first word in lines :/^.{-}[^ ]\s
- Instead of .* use .{-}.
- %s/style=”.{-}”//g
- Also, see :help non-greedy
Using grep in vim
Download the plugin from here
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/local/bin/ack
Using Register
"kyy #(also append to register using "Kyy)
"kp #(to paste it)
Using macro
q #start recording to register q
#... your complex series of commands
q #stop recording
@q #execute your macro
@@ #execute your macro again
Set screen session name
CNTRL + A +:
sessionname <name>
Delete empty lines
Delete duplicate lines
:sort u
Bash command line
C-x C-e to open the line in vim editor
Window Resizing
Cntrl - w + /-
zf #create fold
zf'a # fold to mark
#use zo and then zc to open and close folds
#To move between folds quickly, use the zj and zk
#If you want to move between the start and end of a fold, use [z and ]z
zR #will open all of the folds in the file
zd #to delete fold
#on search vim opens the fold. zm will restore the folds
Moving Around
k #(up),
h #(left)
l #(right).
j #(down)
#(Ex 5k,j,3l )
#Word Movement
w #(Forward Word Movement Ex. f,5f )
b #(Backword Word Movement Ex. b,2b)
e #(Forward Word Movement at the end of word Ex. e,3e )
ge #(Backword Word Movement at the end of word Ex. ge,3ge )
#Moving to the Start or End of a Line
$ #(End Of Line Ex. $,2$)
^ #(Start Of Line Ex. ^,3^)
#Searching Along a Single Line
f<Charcter> #(Searching Charcter Forward Ex. fa, 2fv)
F<Charcter> #(Searching Charcter Backword Ex. Fg,2Ft)
t<Charcter> #(Search till Forward )
T<Charcter> #(Search till Backword)
#Moving to a Specific Line
<Line No.>G #(Go to Line No.)
CTRL-G #(Where I am in the File)
nG #go to line number n
G #go to end of file
CTRL-O #Jump to previous location.
<TAB> #Jump to next location (line 10).
#Where are you in File
:set number
:set nonumber
###Scrolling Up and Down###
#Fast Scrolling (Back - Front)
CTRL-B #(scrolls up a entire screen at a time.)
CTRL-F #(scrolls down one screen of text.)
#Medium Scrolling (Up - Down)
CTRL-U #(scrolls up half a screen of text.)
CTRL-D #(scrolls down half a screen of text.)
CTRL-Y #(scrolls up a line of text.)
CTRL-E #(scrolls down one line.)
z<Enter> #(screen line on the top)
88z<Enter> #positions line 88 at the top.
zt #(Leaves the cursor where it is.)
z- #(scrolls line to the end of the screen)
zb #(Leaves the cursor where it is)
z. #(Center of the screen)
zz #(Leaves the cursor where it is .)
:set scroll=10
:set scrolljump=5
:set scrolloff=3
x #delete character under the cursor (short for "dl")
X #delete character before the cursor (short for "dh")
dw #(Delete Word Ex. dw,3dw,d3w,3d2w,d$,d^,df> )
dd #(Delete Line Ex. dd,3dd)
D #(Delete up to end of line. )(short for "d$")
diw #delete word under the cursor (excluding white space)
daw #delete word under the cursor (including white space)
dG #delete until the end of the file
dgg #delete until the start of the file
In general, d
d<leftArrow> #will delete current and left character
d3<leftArrow> #will delete 3 characters
d3<rightArrow> #will delete 3 characters to right
bdw #will start at beginning of word and delete the word
bd3<rightArrow> #will take to the beginning of the word and delete 3 letters to the right
ed3<leftArrow> #will take to the end of the word delete 3 letter to the left
3bdw #will move 3 words to the left and delete the word
3ebdw #will move 3 words to the right and delete the word
3ed3<leftArrow> #will move the cursor to 3 words ahead (at the end) and then delete 3 characters on the left
d$ #will delete from current position to end of line
d^ #will delete from current backward to first non-white-space character
d0 #will delete from current backward to beginning of line
dw #deletes current to end of current word (including trailing space)
db #deletes current to beginning of current word
CTRL-A #Incrmenting Number (123, 0177, 0x1f,-98)
CTRL-X #Decrementing Number
:set nrformats=""
Changing Text
cw #(Change Word Ex cw,c2w)
C #stands for c$ (change to end of the line)
s #stands for cl (change one character)
S #stands for cc (change a whole line)
The . Command
It repeats the last delete or change command.
Joining Lines
J i#(Join Lines to One. Ex J,3J)
gJ #(Join Lines without Spaces)
Replacing Character
r<Charcter> #(Replace Charater Under Cursour. Ex. ru,5ra,3r<Enter> )
Changing Case
~ #(Change Case of Character Ex. ~,12~,~fq)
U #(Make the text Uppercase)
u #(Make the text Lowercase)
g~motion #(It does not depend on tildeop)
g~~ or g~g~ #(Changes case of whole line)
gUmotion #(All uppercase)
gUU #(Changes to uppercase for whole line)
gUw #(Changes to uppercase for word)
guw #(Changes to lowercase for word)