Four Node Development Cluster With Spark,Hadoop,Hive and Vagrant
I wanted to have set up a hadoop development cluster on MacBook Pro which i can tinker. It was around the same time that i upgraded my Macbook Pro memory to 16GB and so it helps.
The project is at GitHub.
Vagrant project to spin up a cluster of 4 nodes with 64-bit CentOS6.5 Linux virtual machines with Hadoop v2.6.0, Spark v1.6.1. and Hive v1.2.1
This is suitable as a quick hands-on and develpoment cluster for playing on the hadoop stack. Memory Requirement: 16GB RAM. Tested on MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM.
Cluster Configuration:
node1 : HDFS NameNode + Spark Master node2 : YARN ResourceManager + JobHistoryServer + ProxyServer node3 : HDFS DataNode + YARN NodeManager + Spark Slave node4 : HDFS DataNode + YARN NodeManager + Spark Slave Hive is installed on all nodes